Our Psychologists
Wendy Breen
Clinical Psychologist & Director
Adolescents 15+, Adults, Older Adults, Couples, Families
Helena Alexandrakis
Clinical Psychologist
Adolescents 14+, Adults, Older Adults.
Additional language: Greek
Joshua Pham
Clinical Psychology Registrar/Psychologist
Children, Adolescents, Adult, Families, Workers Compensation
Ashleigh James
Clinical Psychology Registrar / Psychologist
Adolescents (12+), Adults, Older Adults
Zana El-Hajj
Registered Psychologist
Adolescents 15+, Adults, Older Adults
Additional language: Arabic
Monica Asimus
Clinical Psychologist
Children, Adolescents, Adults, Older Adults, TELEHEALTH ONLY
Manos Aliferis
Registered Psychologist
Adolescents 16+ , Adults, Older Adults, Workcover,
Additional language: Greek
Dr Taisia Egorkina
Clinical Psychologist
Children, Adolescents, Adults, Older Adults. Assessment of Learning Disorders and ADHD.
Additional language: Russian
Adriana Dell'Aquilla
Clinical Psychology Registrar/ Psychologist
Adolescents 16+, Adults, Older Adults
Monique Holden
Clinical Psychology Registrar/ Psychologist
Children, Adolescents, Adults, Older Adults, ADHD and Learning Assessments
Tina Zhai
Clinical Psychology Registrar/ Psychologist
Children, Adolescents, Adults, Older Adults
El Raj Mohamed
Clinical Psychologist
Adolescents 15+, Adults, Older Adults, Couples, Families
Additional language: Malay
Isabela Lopes
Registered Psychologist
Adolescents 16+, Adults, Older Adults, Workcover
Daniel Macdonald
Clinical Psychologist
Adolescents 16+, Adults, Older Adults
Assessments for Autism, ADHD, Learning Disorders (for ages 13+)
Our Administration Team

Danielle O'Hara
Administration Assistant
Danielle has a long history in administration. She will help you understand how to access treatment and match you to the psychologist with expertise that you require. Danielle is warm and friendly and is open to have a chat should you be up for one. When not at work, Danielle loves spending time with her family and friends.

Catherine Yang
Administration Assistant
Catherine is currently completing her Bachelors in Psychology. She will do her best to answer any questions you may have. Catherine is friendly and understanding, and hopes to ensure that you feel comfortable and have a pleasant experience. When not at work, Catherine loves dancing and all things coffee.
Additional Language: Mandarin

Maeve O'Hara
Administrative Assistant
Maeve is our newest recruit to the practice. Maeve is interested in learning the administrative process of a psychology practice. She is an enthusiastic and friendly person who will be eager to help you here at Innerwise